We provide advice and expertise, alongside programs and grants, to help residents protect their properties from natural hazards, like flooding and erosion.  We aim to promote and inspire action for the protection of our water systems, drinking water, forests, and wetlands. Together, we can all ensure healthy watersheds for today and future generations.

Rural Stewardship Program

Rural landowners have a vital role to play in the protection of water quality. 

Cost-sharing incentives for:

  • livestock fencing
  • erosion/ water quality improvement projects
  • waterway plantings
  • cover crops
  • soil testing

Learn More


a shoreline recently planted with trees and shrubs

The Napanee Plain Joint Initiative is a collaboration of organizations working to preserve the unique diversity of the area, particularly the alvar and grassland environments.

The Napanee Limestone Plain Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) is situated in eastern Ontario, between (and north of) Belleville and Kingston. The area consists of a mosaic of shallow soil habitats such as savanna grasslands with scattered red cedar or hawthorn and small woodlots. Land uses in the area include cattle grazing, mixed farming, rural residential, and limestone and aggregate quarries.


Learn about Lymantria dispar dispar (LDD)

Lymantria dispar dispar (caterpillar) on leafLymantria dispar dispar (LDD), commonly known as the LDD Moth, is an invasive insect that has been severely weakening trees across North America. Here, you will find a list of resources aimed at creating awareness about this species and how to best manage its impacts. 

Learn about Lymantria dispar dispar through InvadingSpecies.com, or click on the links below: